by Filippo Lucci
The project focusing on four Italian artists - Gennaro Della Monica, Carlo d’Aloisio da Vasto, Licia Galizia and Michelangelo Lupone, covering the period from the 19th century to the 21st century - aims to propose different ways of assimilating the impact of the surrounding reality. It gives birth to the idea that emphasizing the sense and value of diverse cultural landscapes in relation to history, environment, economies, interrelations and connections, provides a favorable opportunity for a dialogue between the communities from different countries and far continents.
It is not only because a contrast between expressive, traditional and environmental diversities is important, but rather to emphasize how any individual draws from their cultural landscape throughout their life spent in contact with their land of origin. Comparing different cultural landscapes, it becomes easier to construct a common platform of ideas, that is a rightful result for Europe. A conglomerate of nations that need to connect histories, cultures and traditions aiming to igniting a fruitful process of integration. It seems simple to generate the growth of a renewed culture that, in nowadays reality discovers common points among various nations and accentuates and seals the pact of collaboration.
Moreover, Europe primarily needs to integrate culturally, blending the contribution of various cultural landscapes and, strengthened by all this, exporting its cultural model resulting from a laborious comparison among different communities. It is a recovery of the past in the service of a future that is imminent and does not allow for any nostalgic or supremacist vision, except for the commitment to convey universal values of solidarity, peace and integration to other continents.
Fugit irreparabile tempus (it escapes, irretrievable time) and brings with it the "visions" of a world in constant scientific and technological evolution but still anchored to the enchanting notes of sudden emotions; unsettling or captivating images; visions searched in the memory; unfathomed and mostly unfathomable memories; partially forgotten traditions but filled with creative energy typical of all communities.