Art exhibition at the
European parliament in Strasbourg
27-28 february 2024
"Cultural landscapes of Europe" project
The Punto Europa Consortium has recognized the importance of a cultural project, beyond its various interventions in sectors related to diverse and extremely relevant themes, especially in a place like the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a symbol of Europe that involves and is attentive to the respect of different nations.
That is why we decided to open an exhibition that would recover the values of individual cultures, offering a glimpse of cultural landscapes immortalized in the artistic works of different masters representing different realities and historical periods: the second half of the 19th century, the 20th century, and the third millennium.
A unique legacy for the soul and the reflected experience, but different in the ways of approaching nature, its gifts, and its intimate notes. There are no scenes reproduced in their details, but visual emotions leading to an exciting escape towards the third millennium. A change of text direction, orientation, and even the layout of the catalogue physically shows an epochal transition. They are not visual emotions, but auditive and tactile suggestions between the slender and long symbolic fingers of Licia Galizia's sculptures.
We would like to thank all the Members of the European Parliament, who welcomed us with enthusiasm to hear our proposal, especially to MEP Mario Furore, who believed in the project from the beginning. Special thanks to Ursula von der Leyen, Paolo Gentiloni, and Roberta Metsola, who assured us of their presence. My heartfelt thanks to all those who supported us in obtaining resources, especially, to the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Teramo, Antonio Filipponi, and in the organization of the event, thanks to whom it was possible to bring the project idea to life. It’s been an intricate journey that has the charm of impossible challenges!
Europe opens its doors to the territory, and our city projects the power of its culture to the places of the highest European democratic representation. Thus, the spirit of Europe manifests itself in its supreme and most authentic form, expressing the values of peace, solidarity, hospitality, positive use of new technologies, and enhancement of diversity. We firmly believe, that European institutions have the task of building actions that allow overcoming borders and ideological barriers, culture becomes an exceptional instrument to undertake a complex yet largely linear path. For these reasons, the exhibition "Cultural landscapes of Europe, one and multiple, bridge of ideas and carrier of universal values" besides being an important opportunity to represent our territory, becomes a precious contribution in the grassroots construction of a message with universal value.
After all, we are in Strasbourg, where the awareness prevails among those who work on behalf of citizens of different countries, but united in a political institutional dimension aimed at emphasizing the equal belonging of all European citizens to a common destiny based on rights, freedom, and equality of opportunities. And art is a powerful and extraordinary instrument for the dissemination of ideas and universal values, overcoming every barrier and boundary.
It has been a true honour to be the exhibition curator and to collaborate with the Punto Europa Consortium as the president of the Teramo section and vice president of the Abruzzo region of Italia Nostra, and as the Director Emeritus of the "City of Teramo" Museum.
First of all, because Italia Nostra, our voluntary association, has among the goals culture, the defense of art, landscape and environment. While as a former Director of the Museum, founded about forty years ago, I have developed over time the idea of “cultural landscapes”, that are created by each community through interaction with the environment and its own traditions. An artist, coming from that identity background, proposes these “cultural landscapes” enriched with exciting incitements and almost ancestral memories.
I am very honoured to have as a stage the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where the air is filled with debates and discussions between different peoples that still have common roots. These roots, integrated in the shoots of a big tree of the future, will undoubtedly branch out and grow for the welcoming and constructive dialogue with peoples from different continents. Is it an illusion? Utopia? Probably so. But in the meantime, let's not stop dreaming!
I am delighted, as Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Teramo, to include this exhibition in the panel of cultural events of the city. Not only does it diversify the fields of intervention in our cultural program for 2024, but it also brings art of the Abruzzo region to the international level. It is a type of creativity too little known and acclaimed by critics, that is often ungenerous towards our artists and our cultural landscapes. Yet it has generated a centuries-old tradition, giving life to music, dance, visual art, ancient artifacts, food, in absolute harmony with the surrounding nature. For this reason, we were enthusiastic to extend total support in organizing an event that will have its exhibition moment also in our city, being confident, that promoting one's identity at the parliamentary seat, means participating in a complicated and multifaceted process of integration between communities.